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Why Does My Alexandria, VA Home’s AC Never Stop Running?

No one loves being sticky, hot, and uncomfortable, especially if it’s in their Alexandria, Virginia, home. One of the biggest problems is that your air conditioner continues to run, yet there’s no relief from the summer heat. If you’ve noticed your air conditioner running persistently, here are a few things that may be to blame.

Low Levels of Refrigerant

Your air conditioner needs a constant stream of refrigerant to cool the air. If you notice that your air conditioner keeps running, this is one of the culprits. To identify this situation, look for signs such as a buildup of ice on the outside portion of your air conditioner, hissing noises, or warm air coming from the vents. Fixing the problem isn’t all that difficult, and our technicians can have the job done quickly.

Undersized Air Conditioner

To pick the right air conditioner, installers calculate the cooling load. This mathematical formula helps determine the correct size to properly cool the home. Undersized air conditioners don’t have enough power to cool all the rooms in your home. As a result, they run constantly to try to keep up with the workload. Signs of this problem include high temperatures even with a comfortable thermostat setting and ice on the evaporator coil.

Dirty Air Filter

If you haven’t checked or replaced your air filter in some time, it’s time to give it a look. When air filters become too dirty or clogged, it restricts the air flow into your home. This causes the unit to work harder to produce results. With a simple filter change, you can enjoy cool air and lessen the wear and tear on your air conditioning unit. As a general rule, you should replace the filter every 30 to 90 days depending on how often you use the system.

While this isn’t an exhaustive list of all the reasons your air conditioner keeps running, it does provide a place to start. The only sure way to determine what’s up with your air conditioner is by giving us a call. The technicians at Brennan’s Heating and Air Conditioning are some of the best in the game, and we’ll find what’s wrong in no time flat. Contact us today at 703-783-0145 .

Image provided by Shutterstock

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