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Changing the Air Filter Elementary for Preventing AC Problems

Changing the air filter in your air conditioning system is a cheap and easy job, but it could save you big in terms of energy efficiency and repairs. What’s more, a clean filter also helps your system perform better.

Prevent frozen coils – Evaporator coil freezing is most often the result of restricted airflow caused by a dirty filter. When too little warm air flows over the coil, the temperature of the refrigerant in the coil can drop below freezing. Moisture in the passing air then turns to ice. Low airflow also can cause ice formation on the outdoor condenser. When one or both of your coils freeze, you’ll need to turn the system off and wait for it to thaw. Changing the air filter regularly reduces the risk of these unexpected shutdowns.

Improve efficiency and performance – When the filter is dirty, it can cause the blower fan blades and evaporator coil to collect dust and debris. A dirty blower runs less efficiently. Dirt on the evaporator coil insulates the coil and impairs its ability to cool and dehumidify. Your A/C then has to run longer to cool your home sufficiently. Replacing a dirty filter can boost your system’s efficiency by 5-15 percent.

Avoid surprise repairs – When the evaporator coil becomes dirty or regularly ices up due to restricted airflow, the compressor is placed under excess strain and may fail before its time. A very clogged filter also strains the fan motor and may eventually burn the motor out. Dirty filters are one of the top causes of A/C problems, so changing the air filter on time can save you on maintenance expenses.

Enjoy better air quality – Low airflow increases the risk of mold formation in your A/C system. More than just unsightly, mold produces airborne spores that can trigger allergy symptoms and increase the risk of respiratory problems.

Every month, check your filter and replace it if you find a layer of dust and debris.

For help your with A/C and furnace maintenance, repairs and replacements, please contact us at Brennan’s Heating & Air.

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