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Have You Scheduled Your Annual HVAC Tune-up Yet?

When you adjust the thermostat in your Fairfax, Virginia, home, you expect your HVAC system to blow warm or cool air. However, if you’re not keeping up with regular maintenance, your system may not perform as desired. Here’s why scheduling an annual HVAC tune-up is vital:

Prevent Breakdowns

One of the main benefits of routine HVAC maintenance is that it can extend the lifespan of your unit. This system is one of the most valuable within your home. Therefore, it’s important to protect it and prevent breakdowns that’ll cost a lot to fix.

When a service technician inspects and tests your system twice a year, they’ll keep an eye on any potential problems and resolve them immediately. As a result, your unit will operate at its best. And you’ll reduce the risk of a major breakdown and the need for expensive repairs.

Improve Efficiency

A dirty filter, clogged air ducts and damaged components call all impact efficiency. However, you can boost efficiency with regular maintenance on your cooling and heating system. Since the HVAC unit uses a large portion of the total energy in your home, it makes sense that you’d want to reduce waste. When a system can operate at peak efficiency, it produces adequate warm and cool air for the space without using excess energy.

Increase Safety

Your HVAC system may contain fuel and gases that can be extremely hazardous or even fatal. It’s crucial to make sure these fuel sources don’t leak. During a tune-up, a service technician will test the system and ensure the fuel levels are high enough to keep warm or cool air flowing. If any concerns come up about the levels or potential leaks, they’ll look into the issue further to protect your loved ones.

Take advantage of the benefits of regular HVAC maintenance. Contact Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning by calling 703-783-0145 to schedule your appointment.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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