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4 HVAC Thermostat Mistakes You Don’t Have to Make

Thermostats are a vital part of any HVAC system, but they can also be tricky to navigate. If you’re a homeowner in Gainesville, VA, it’s essential to know the common mistakes you can make with your thermostats so that you don’t waste money on heating and cooling costs. Here are four HVAC thermostat mistakes and how to avoid them:

Improper Temperature Setting

You must regulate thermostat settings correctly to ensure your HVAC system runs optimally. If the temperature is too high or low, you may have an inefficient system that costs more energy bills. It’s recommended to keep the indoor temperature between 68 and 76 degrees for comfort and efficiency. For every degree higher than 76 in the summer, you save on cooling costs.

Failure to Monitor Damage Signals

Thermostats need periodic maintenance to detect any problems that may arise. You should regularly check the thermostat for signs of physical damage, such as cracks or discoloration. Additionally, if you notice any temperature fluctuations or strange noises from the HVAC system, it could indicate that your thermostat is malfunctioning. In this case, you should contact your service technician for AC repairs.

Installing the HVAC Thermostat in Wrong Location

Many people make the mistake of installing it near a window, air vent or other heat sources, which can create inaccurate temperature readings and lead to energy waste. It’s also wrong to install a thermostat on an exterior wall because the temperature outside can affect the indoor temperature. The most appropriate location for a thermostat is in the middle of the house away from windows and other heat sources.

Switching Off and On

Switching off and on your thermostat during the day to save energy is another common mistake. It can be rather counterproductive because it puts strain on the HVAC system. Instead, you should try to set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature and leave it at that.

If you want your HVAC thermostat to serve you longer and more efficiently, ensure you keep up with routine maintenance. Contact Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning for all your HVAC maintenance needs. Our certified service technicians will help keep your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently.

Image provided by iStock

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