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In Need of an HVAC Replacement – Consider Financing

Between electricity, routine maintenance, repairs, and replacements, your air conditioner is probably one of your biggest home expenses. If money is tight, you may not have considered a replacement. Here’s how to know when the best financial decision is to replace your AC and what to do if you can’t afford the cost upfront.

Signs it’s Time for an Air Conditioner Replacement

It may be time for an AC upgrade if your system is showing one of the following symptoms:

  • Older than 10 years: If your AC is older than 10 years, you’ve probably missed out on the latest energy efficiency upgrades. Energy efficiency gains over the last two decades mean a new system could be up to 30% more efficient.
  • Rooms to hot or too cold: When your home isn’t cooling evenly, it may be a sign that your AC isn’t properly sized. Sometimes this may be due to renovations, but other times it could be because the original builder didn’t take proper care in selecting the original AC.
  • Rising energy bills: Make sure your energy bills aren’t rising faster than local electric rates. If they are, and your usage patterns haven’t changed, it may be a sign that your AC is losing efficiency due to age and wearing parts.
  • Frequent need for repairs: Once your AC starts needing frequent repairs or you’re looking at multiple major repairs, it’s probably more cost effective to buy a new one. ACs can’t last forever and the money you spend extending your AC’s life for a few months or years could be a down payment on a new one.

Benefits of HVAC Financing

If you can’t afford to pay in full for a new AC upfront, and even if you can, you should consider HVAC financing to help you make your new purchase. By financing your new air conditioner, you’ll be receiving the energy savings of a modern system and won’t be throwing good money after bad to try to keep your ancient system going for another few months. Our low interest rates allow you to spread the payments out over time and help you avoid dipping into your vacation or retirement funds.

We’ve teamed up with Wells Fargo Bank to create an easy application process, and qualified borrowers can receive a 0% APR for up to 36 months. We also offer same as cash payment plans and low interest rate resolving plans. To learn more about our specials as well as our financing options, contact us today.

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