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Should You Open the Windows This Spring?

The fresh smell of springtime is a welcome change from the stark, chilly air of winter. There are several compelling reasons to think about letting that welcome breeze into your Springfield, Virginia, home. Opening the windows in spring can offer several benefits as you enjoy the refreshing feel of the season.

Boost Your Air Quality

During the cold weather months, your family probably spends a great deal of time in the house. This can create a crowded, stuffy environment. If your home doesn’t have proper ventilation and filtration, you might suffer from a buildup of dust, dander, and other irritants. Opening the windows in spring can let unpleasant odors and pollutants escape. You can enjoy natural ventilation from the fresh breeze coming indoors.

Note that if you have allergy sufferers in your home, you’ll want to be mindful of pollen levels. If the outdoor air is actually more irritating, keep the windows closed. Focus on increasing air quality with mechanical ventilation and enhanced filtration.

Lower Your Utility Bills

Make the most of mild weather and turn your AC system off while you can. As a result, you’ll lower your utility bills during this comfortable shoulder season. This is also the ideal time for air conditioner maintenance. Schedule a tune-up before you begin using your cooling system for the summer.

Address Humidity

If you’ve been suffering from dry winter air in the house, opening the windows this spring can help increase your humidity levels. As spring showers descend, you can let a little of that moisture in the house by opening your windows after a good rain. Just make sure you’re not leaving them open in a storm, as this can leave the house damper than you wanted.

Opening your windows is one way to address indoor air quality. But there are several other options you can explore, as well. If you’re looking for a year-round IAQ solution, we can help. Contact Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning at 703-783-0145.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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