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Prevent Allergy Triggers in Your Home

When you suffer from allergies, you know that the symptoms are often very unpleasant. In the Woodbridge, Virginia, area, it’s hard to fight the allergens that pop up throughout the changing seasons. These tips can help you keep these contaminants out of your home so you and your family can breathe easier.  

Keep Your Bedrooms Clean

When you’re asleep at night, allergens in your room can cause you to wake up feeling sick. Keep bedrooms clean by washing the bedding at least once a week in hot water. Use dust mite-proof covers on pillows and mattresses. If you have curtains in your bedroom, consider replacing them with blinds, since they don’t attract and store as much dust as fabric options. Taking the curtains down and washing them at least once every week or two is another way to fight allergens in your bedroom, if you don’t want to switch to blinds.

Keep the windows in your room closed at night and rely on the heater or air conditioner to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Use a Purifier

An air purifier is a great option for reducing allergens and contaminants in the home. You can choose a bedside or single-room purifier, or upgrade your HVAC system to include a whole-home purification system that improves the indoor air quality. It’s also important to swap out the filter in your HVAC system at least once a month. If you’re still suffering from allergies, switch to a filter that has a higher minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) that can filter out smaller particles.

Prevent Mold Growth

Many people suffer from mold allergies, so when mold is growing within your home, you’re likely to see an increase in symptoms. Avoid mold growth by cleaning up any spilled water in the kitchen or bathroom and taking steps to prevent excess moisture. Make sure to use exhaust fans when cooking or taking showers. Use the air conditioner throughout the summer months to reduce indoor humidity levels.

At Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer indoor air quality solutions to help reduce your allergy symptoms, so call us at (703) 491-2771 for a consultation.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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