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3 Reasons to Replace Your Furnace This Summer

Summer is bearing down on the Woodbridge, Virginia, area, and your thoughts are on staying cool while reducing your energy costs. You’ve already replaced your old light bulbs with LEDs and had your annual AC service a few months ago to deal with the heat and humidity. So consider the following three reasons to replace your furnace before the winter winds return.

Avoid a Furnace Failure at the Worst Possible Time


Furnace failures always seem to happen during the coldest week of winter when the furnace is working hardest to keep your home warm. By planning to replace your furnace in the summer and scheduling annual maintenance, you’re helping to ensure that you and your family will be cozy regardless of what Mother Nature may send your way. It’s one way to expect the best but prepare for the worst.

Ensure Your Furnace is the Right Size for Your Home

If you’re in an older home, or if you have added rooms to the original design, then your old furnace might not be the right size. A furnace that’s smaller than needed can cycle more frequently and waste energy. A professional installer can help you determine the right size furnace for your current home. That way, you can make sure you’re getting the best heat and the highest efficiency.

Improve the Efficiency of Your Furnace and Save Money

Gas furnaces are often your best solution, especially if you’re concerned about carbon pollution. The heating efficiency of a furnace is stated in its annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating. While older gas furnaces had AFUE ratings near 65 percent, some new models claim AFUE ratings in the mid-to-high 90s! And while higher AFUE-rated furnaces cost more, your fuel savings will offset that investment in no time.

Don’t wait to replace your furnace any longer. Call Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning at 703-783-0145 to discuss your options for a new, energy-efficient furnace.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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