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3 Signs of a Bad AC Sensor in Woodbridge, VA

Among the most important components of an air conditioner is its AC sensor, which measures and regulates the system’s output. If a sensor starts to malfunction, it can keep your air conditioner from running properly. If you notice any of these three signs, your air conditioner in Woodbridge, VA, probably has a faulty AC sensor:

Continuous Cycling

Typically, your air conditioner should run in two or three 15-to-20-minute cycles. If you notice the air conditioner turning on and off more often, your system is short cycling.

If your AC system continuously cycles off and on regardless of the setting on your thermostat, its sensor may be faulty. When your air conditioner works correctly, it’ll turn off only when the temperature on your thermostat reaches the desired setting.

AC System Doesn’t Turn Off

If your air conditioner continues to pump cold air into your home, the sensor is likely malfunctioning. In this scenario, the temperature could drop well below a comfortable setting, which is why quick air conditioning repairs are necessary. Not only does this lead to excess wear and tear, but you’ll also notice higher cooling bills.

High Cooling Bills

Speaking of increased cooling bills, they’re a great indicator of a faulty AC component. Even if you don’t notice that the system runs longer than usual, a sharp increase in your monthly cooling bills during the summer usually means that something is wrong with your AC system. Make sure to monitor your monthly bills to ensure that the increases are minimal.

A faulty air conditioner sensor can leave your home uncomfortable and inefficient. As is the case with virtually all types of HVAC issues, you should never tackle the problem on your own. Instead, call the team at Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning to find out more about our quality AC repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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