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Troubleshooting a Heat Pump Blowing Cold Air

If your heat pump is blowing cold air, there are the two possible scenarios: the heat pump truly is malfunctioning and may need to be repaired, or it may just seem like it’s blowing cold air in comparison to what you are used to.

The second scenario usually happens to newer heat pump owners. Because many new heat pump owners are accustomed to the warmer air that a heat or gas furnace puts out, the air coming from a heat pump may seem too tepid.

On a day when temperatures are below freezing, the air coming out of a heat pump might be 85 degrees. This could feel like cold air since it’s below your body temperature. Before calling for service, you should try to measure the output air temperature with an accurate thermometer. If there is no difference between the temperature that the heat pump is putting out, and the outside temperature, then you could have a legitimate problem..

If you determine that your heat pump is indeed blowing cold air and not generating any heat at all, there could be several causes. The first thing to check for is if your heat pump is functioning in air conditioning mode because of a malfunction.

Common heat pump problems that can usually be fixed without calling a professional:

  • The outdoor unit has stopped running
  • The outdoor unit has iced over due to extreme weather
  • Snow drift built up over the outdoor unit
  • Cold return temperatures

More serious problems that require assistance from a professional HVAC company.

  • Poor efficiency due to a need for servicing and cleaning
  • Problem relating to refrigerant flow
  • Bad reversing valve
  • Compressor not running
  • Functioning in air conditioning mode
  • Outdoor unit has ice on it due to a malfunction

If you need assistance with your heat pump, or any other HVAC related issue, contact us at Brennan’s Heating & Air.

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