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3 Ways to Improve Your Home Office’s Indoor Air Quality

Working from a home office has many perks. But spending so much time cooped up in one room can take its toll on your health, especially if your office doesn’t have great air quality. Here are a few tips for improving your home office’s indoor air quality:

Place a Plant on Your Desk

Houseplants are prized for their ability to detoxify the air and provide much-needed oxygen. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, you can try growing a simple plant at your desk or office window to help keep your indoor air quality healthy.

The best plant varieties for combating indoor pollution include garden mums, spider plants, dracaena, weeping figs, peach lilies, Boston ferns and bamboo palms. When growing an office plant, avoid over-watering it. The excess moisture can mess up the room’s humidity.

Vacuum and Dust Regularly

Household dust is a major allergen trigger. Unfortunately, your home office is prone to dust. Vacuum the floors with a HEPA filter-equipped vacuum at least once a week, and dust all surfaces two to three times a week. Doing so will keep pet dander, pollen and dust mites from making your office environment miserable.

Schedule Duct Cleaning

Dirty ductwork allows pollutants to recirculate through the home. More than that, insects, rats, squirrels, and other critters can infest the ducts, leaving behind unsanitary droppings that can make the indoor air unhealthy to breathe.

While you should vacuum your home’s supply registers and vents regularly, it’s important to schedule an air duct cleaning when necessary. A certified HVAC contractor will clean the ducts until they’re spotless. As a result, you’ll maximize your system’s efficiency and improve IAQ.

Boost your work productivity and breathe easier by scheduling an HVAC service with Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning. Call us at 703-783-0145 to set up your next maintenance appointment or indoor air quality service.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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