4 Ways to Lower Indoor Air Pollutants in Your Home
Today’s homes in Alexandria, Virginia, are often sealed tightly to conserve energy. While this tight seal can help lower your utility bills, it allows pollutants to accumulate in indoor spaces where the air exchange rate is low. As a result, it triggers allergy symptoms and asthma attacks. Here are four ways to lower indoor air pollutants in your home so you can lead a healthier life:
Repair Leaky Pipes and Faucets
Leaky pipes and faucets are more than mere annoyances. They can contribute to higher humidity levels in your home that can promote the development of biological growth. Repairing leaky pipes and faucets not only allows you to save money on wasted water but also helps you dehumidify your home. As a temporary measure, you can wrap leaky pipes with pipe insulation to keep them from dripping.
Change Your HVAC Air Filters
Dirty HVAC air filters won’t serve you or your system well. Accumulated pollutants, such as pollen, pet dander and dust, can impede the transfer of air through your system and enter the air that you breathe inside your home. Regular air filter changes can reduce accumulations of indoor pollutants. As a result, you’ll keep your HVAC system operating more efficiently and lower indoor air pollutants in your home.
Schedule HVAC Maintenance
Keeping your HVAC system running at peak efficiency is another way to help lower your exposure to indoor air pollutants. An HVAC specialist should inspect your system regularly to ensure it’s in good working order. That way, it doesn’t compromise your home’s indoor air quality.
Switch to Natural Air Fresheners
Commercial air fresheners can introduce a host of toxic chemicals into your home, including volatile organic compounds. Natural products, such as homemade pomanders, eucalyptus and lemon, can freshen your air without filling it with harmful pollutants.
Do you want to lower indoor air pollutants in your home? Let the indoor air quality experts of Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning help. Call us at 703-783-0145 to schedule HVAC maintenance or to learn more about our indoor air quality solutions.
Image provided by Shutterstock
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