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Ways You Can Improve Energy Efficiency in Your Home

The average Fairfax, Virginia household spends more than $2,000 per year on energy, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration — with energy consumption rates higher than the US average. These costs can climb much higher for homeowners who are dealing with inefficient HVAC equipment and other structural issues in their residences. However, there are several simple solutions that can be considered to tackle the issue of energy efficiency throughout your home.

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance

A preventive maintenance plan is one of the most effective solutions for minimizing your energy consumption. HVAC maintenance reduces wear and tear and stress on the system as all parts are cleaned and as issues such as airflow, refrigerant levels, and the condition of components are evaluated and addressed. In a system that has not received a maintenance inspection for a long time, the improvement could be dramatic.

Attention to the Home Envelope

Energy can be lost through cracks and gaps in windows and doors. Sealing these leaks with weatherstripping or caulk will help to reduce energy loss and improve the performance of your system. Complement this with an update to your attic insulation for even better energy results. Together, air sealing and attic insulation could trim up to 10 percent from your energy demands for home comfort.

Window treatments provide another avenue for reducing energy loss. Use awnings, blinds, draperies, solar screens, or other barriers to prevent heat gain during the summer months, especially on south-facing windows. Use similar measures to limit heat loss from windows during the winter months.

Updated HVAC Equipment

If your HVAC equipment is more than 10 years old, you may want to evaluate the potential utility savings that could be achieved with new equipment. Advances in HVAC technology allow for greater efficiency levels to be achieved, which can dramatically reduce home comfort costs while improving comfort levels.

Whether you are ready to explore solutions in new home comfort equipment or want to start a preventive maintenance plan, Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning is ready to assist. Learn more about our effective HVAC maintenance plans or call us at 703-783-0145 to discuss your energy-saving and air conditioning needs today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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