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You may Need an AC Upgrade If

Your home’s cooling system is important during the heat of summer. In a severe weather event, the lack of reliable AC can be deadly. The combination of heat and humidity on a hot Fairfax, VA day can be manageable with the right equipment, but an aging system may warrant replacement. However, the expense of new equipment can be intimidating, and many homeowners need to know when an AC upgrade is warranted.

Frequent Repairs

If your cooling equipment malfunctions on a regular basis, it may be time to think about a replacement system. This is especially true if your equipment is no longer under warranty. A system that is still covered by the manufacturer will be serviced according to the terms of the warranty, but when your warranty expires, repairs can become expensive. If you find that you are in this situation, the investment in a new air conditioning system may be a better option.

Significant Damage

Your compressor and coils play major roles in cooling your home. Significant damage to these components can be cause to upgrade. If your compressor is damaged beyond repair, you are often left with little choice but to have a new AC system installed.

Similarly, significant damage to your indoor coils can lead to the need to upgrade. Corrosive pollutants in your home can play a part in damage. Failure to have your system serviced regularly can lead to excessive buildup of dirt and mold. These can cause restricted airflow or the development of ice, both having the ability to stress your compressor and lead to permanent mechanical damage.

Refrigerant Leaks

If your system was manufactured before 2010, it may depend on Freon for cooling. The refrigerant is becoming less available due to a treaty directing the phasing out of the ozone-depleting material. If you have ongoing problems with your refrigerant levels or leaks in your refrigerant lines, it may be time to think about a modern system that uses a different refrigerant.

Improper System Sizing

A mismatched system can be costly and ineffective in your home. If your system is drastically undersized, it can run excessively in order to cool the structure. If your equipment is oversized, it may perform adequately in cooling your home but fail to dehumidify properly. Incorrect sizing can also affect the consistency with which cooled air reaches different parts of your home. An HVAC contractor can calculate your home’s cooling load to determine if your equipment is appropriate for your needs.

Energy Efficiency

One of the most important reasons to think about an AC upgrade is the opportunity to dramatically improve your home’s energy performance. If your system is 10 years old, an upgrade could save you nearly 50 percent in cooling costs. Modern designs are more efficient, enabling many homeowners to recover their investments in new equipment through lower energy bills. Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning can evaluate your cooling system in the Fairfax, VA area, providing an estimate for an upgrade. We can also provide you with an honest analysis of the remaining life of your existing system.  We also have Internet coupons online and can help with current tax incentives to save money. Contact our team for more information.

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