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My Air Conditioner is Making Funny Noises

The first time you turn the air conditioner on in your home this spring, it’s possible you’ll hear some noises. While some are normal, others mean you need to call an AC professional in Woodbridge, Virginia. Here are some noises you may hear and what they mean:


If you turn on your air conditioner and hear banging noises, it’s time to schedule a professional repair as soon as possible. Banging almost always means that one of your parts has broken or come loose. An AC professional should be able to find the problem and fix it effectively.


When you start up or shut down your system, you’re likely to hear clicking noises as the electrical components activate or turn off. If you hear a constant clicking noise, it can be a big issue. In some cases, it could mean that your thermostat is malfunctioning. In others, it may mean there’s an electrical issue. Have this noise checked right away as electrical problems could be a fire hazard.


Hearing buzzing coming from your air conditioner can be a difficult situation because there can be any number of causes. For example, you could be hearing buzzing because it’s time to change your air filter, which is an easy enough fix. On the other hand, buzzing can also be due to a much more serious issue, including loose fan blades, refrigerant leaking into your air conditioner or a blower that’s on the verge of failure. Therefore, it’s important to act right away.

If you hear buzzing, change your air filter to see if it stops the noise. If the buzzing continues, get in touch with your AC professional immediately.

Do you hear one of these noises coming from your air conditioner? Call Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioner today at 703-783-0145. We’ll inspect your system to find the cause of the noise and fix it as quickly as possible.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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