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Turning Off Your AC When Away on Summer Vacation

Although it may seem like you’re saving money by shutting down your air conditioner while you’re on vacation, it can create extra problems and expenses. Take care of your Woodbridge, Virginia, home by carefully managing your HVAC system. Instead of turning off your AC completely, to avoid problems, consider using a programmable or smart thermostat, and set the temperature higher.

Humidity and Heat Concerns

If no one will be home, you may wonder why you need the air conditioner on at all. There are some reasons it can be a good idea not to shut it down completely.

  • Your air conditioner plays a very important role in humidity management. While you’re away, the high heat and humidity in your home can encourage mold growth which can later cause problems with your home and health.
  • Your home will be very uncomfortable when you return from vacation.
  • It will take a long time to restore comfortable temperatures which means your air conditioner will have to work in overdrive to cool your home.
  • Remaining inside while it is hot and stuffy can make you feel ill.

You might consider turning off the AC because you are concerned about wasting energy. You will need to weigh the above factors in making your decision. Using a programmable thermostat will allow you to set your thermostat for energy efficiency. A smart thermostat will give you even more, control as you will be able to make changes as needed. Many thermostats also come with vacation programming modes.

Cost-Saving Techniques

It would be wasteful to keep your air conditioner at its normal temperature while you’re away and harmful to turn it off completely. Since you’ll have your house tightly sealed with closed windows and locked doors during your vacation, turn the air conditioner temperature up while you’re away to maximize energy savings.

Ideal Temperature

Setting your thermostat around 85 degrees while you’re away can effectively keep air circulating through your home and prevent it from getting too hot. If you have a programmable thermostat, you can also set your temperature a little cooler during the heat of day and warmer at night when the outdoor temperature tends to drop. If you have a smart thermostat, you can even control the temperature through your smartphone or other Internet-enabled device if there are any weather changes, for example.

Contact Brennan’s Heating and Air Conditioning today at 703-783-0145 for more information about programming your thermostat for energy savings. We will help you to protect your home so you can have a worry-free vacation.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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