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3 Ways to Cut Your Energy Bills

You have many demands on your finances, so of course, you are constantly looking for ways to put some extra money in the bank. One easy way to do this is by lowering your utility bills. It’s a simple way to save money, yet it requires a minimal effort to achieve. By following a few tips, you can cut the energy bills in your Springfield, Virginia, home, and put a little extra money in your pocket. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Limit Air Conditioner Usage

During the scorching summer months, it’s difficult to limit your air conditioner usage, but there are still other ways to cut costs. Make sure to get an air conditioner tuneup at least once a year, and change the filter at least once every 90 days. Use floor or ceiling fans to help circulate the air and reduce your need for lower thermostat settings.

Cut Down Your Water Consumption

We waste more water than we realize. Reducing water consumption will reduce your water bill and your energy bill as well. Taking a shower or doing a load of laundry requires hot water, and heating water expends a lot of energy. This can result in huge bills if usage is not regulated. To avoid hot water waste, cut down on your time in the shower, and only do laundry when you have a full load.

Change Your Lighting

Your lighting can contribute to high energy bills. If you haven’t updated your bulbs to CFL or LED, you’re already missing out on energy savings, as these cut your energy usage immensely. They also give off less heat which is beneficial as you try to control AC use.

Cutting your energy bills is an arduous task if you don’t know where to begin. Luckily, you can rely on the pros at Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning for reliable advice and services to make your home energy-efficient. If your air conditioner needs service or you just need some answers to those tough energy questions, give us a call at 703-783-0145 today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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