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How to Make Your Heat Pump Last Longer

Your Reston, VA, home relies on its heat pump for temperature control indoors. Keep it running as long as you can with these five tips:

Keep Up With Scheduled Maintenance

Twice a year, you should contact us for HVAC maintenance services. Professional tuneups should include wiring inspections, airflow testing and system recalibration.

Replace the Air Filter Regularly

One thing you might be able to do on your own is replace the HVAC filter at regular intervals. Check your filter every 30 days to see its condition. Plan on changing it every 90 days, but you might do so more frequently, especially if you have pets.

Maintain a Clean Yard

Your home’s heat pump has an outdoor unit that’s a crucial part of the overall system. If it gets covered by leaves, twigs or branches, it restricts airflow to the point of impacting system performance. Keep three feet of clearance space around it so it doesn’t work too hard.

Make Thermostat Adjustments

You can reduce your heat pump’s lifetime workload by setting it several degrees warmer during the summer and a few degrees cooler in the winter. Better yet, use a smart thermostat you can program in advance. Setting the temperature back 10 degrees when you are sleeping or not at home will give the heat pump even more rest over time.

Arrange for Duct Cleaning

Dust and debris can accumulate in your home’s ducts with enough time. This negatively impacts your indoor air quality, but it also wears down your heat pump and its many parts. Occasional professional cleaning prevents residue buildup so everything lasts longer.

These five actions will help you maintain your heat pump in good condition now and into the future, saving you time and money. Call us at Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning for air conditioning repair and installation services when the time comes.

Image provided by iStock

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