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How to Help My Furnace Survive a Long Winter

During the long cold-weather season in Arlington, Virginia, keeping everyone warm and comfy indoors is a top priority. Your furnace was built to handle the job, but every heating system has its limits. Long periods of frequent use can make you wonder if your furnace will make it through the winter. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure your furnace comes through with great performance when you most need it.

Start with the Filter

A clean air filter improves airflow and helps keep harmful pollutants from circulating through your home. Healthier air, however, is just one of the reasons experts recommend replacing filters whenever they’re dirty. The air filter also helps to protect critical furnace components from serious damage. Keeping them clean, offers you an affordable way to avoid unexpected repairs and replacements. You’ll enjoy lower energy bills too!

Install a Smart Thermostat

Why keep your furnace running when no one is at home? With thermostat programming, it’s easy to extend your heater’s service life by adjusting household temperatures according to your personal schedule. Many smart thermostats are WiFi enabled, so you can access and change settings from your phone, tablet or laptop. Some models even have special thermostat programming technology that allows them to “learn” your temperature preferences.

Give Your Furnace a TuneUp

For the peace of mind you want when outdoor temperatures plummet, make sure your furnace is operating properly. Undetected problems not only impact your comfort but can pose fire and safety hazards for your family too. If you missed your pre-season tuneup, schedule preventive maintenance as soon as possible. A qualified technician will fine-tune the equipment to ensure safe and efficient operation all winter long.

Since 1979, Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning has kept furnaces functioning at peak performance in homes throughout Northern Virginia. We’re dedicated to ensuring that you enjoy a warm and comfortable home whenever the weather turns cold and stormy. To learn more, take a look at our broad range of heating solutions or call us today at 703-783-0145.

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