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Schedule a Tune-up For Your Heat Pump This Fall

As fall approaches in Arlington, Virginia, and the evenings turn chilly, our thoughts turn toward turning the heater on. While your heat pump works both as an air conditioner and a heater, it’s essential that it gets a tune-up before you need it to warm up your home. Read on to find out the benefits of scheduling a fall tune-up for it.

Improves Performance

Your heat pump has been running all summer to keep your home nice and cool. Before the fall, schedule a tune-up to see if there are any issues that require repair before switching the reversing valve to heat mode. Your HVAC system will perform in top condition after a professional has:

  • Cleaned it.
  • Tightened and secured electrical connections.
  • Lubricated all moving parts.

Lowers Energy Bills

If the heat pump is dirty or not working properly, it has to strain to deliver warm air when you need it. When it works harder, it uses more electricity. As a result, it raises your energy bills. When your HVAC system is properly tuned up, you’ll save money on those energy bills.

Extends System Lifespan

The heat pump is a major investment for your home. You want to do everything possible to make sure that it runs as long as possible. Regular preventive maintenance can help to ensure that your system runs well year after year. Investing in a maintenance plan with us will help to guarantee that you’ll receive regular and timely maintenance on your system.

In addition, most heat pump manufacturers require documentation of regular maintenance to keep the warranty valid. The maintenance plan provides this vital documentation.

To schedule an appointment to have your heat pump maintained, give Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning a call today. You can reach us at 703-783-0145 to learn more about how you can help your HVAC system operate more efficiently.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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