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Stay Comfy by Regulating Humidity

What ruins your comfort most? Is it when your significant other steals too many of the blankets? Or maybe when the windows are left open for too long? It’s easy to notice things that drastically change temperature, but your comfort could be affected by something far more subtle: humidity (or rather, the lack thereof). In Woodbridge, Virginia, winter weather reduces humidity to a level that can adversely affect your comfort and even your health. Regulating humidity levels can help maintain comfort and indoor air quality in your home.

Humidity and Comfort

Summers often see too much humidity for a home to be comfortable, while winters see too little. The drop in water vapor makes the air feel cooler than it actually is, which means it won’t be enough to just turn up your heat. You’ll still feel cooler than you should. This shift in the perception of temperature also reduces HVAC efficiency by putting extra strain on the system.

Humidity and Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality isn’t only a hazard to your health, but also detrimental to your comfort. After all, who can be comfortable when their nose is runny, their throat itches, and they have a throbbing headache? Low humidity makes it easier for certain allergens and viruses to survive. Dry air can also be irritating to your eyes and throat.

How to Maintain Humidity

There are some household remedies to raising humidity, such as leaving the bathroom door open while you shower, but the simplest way to maintain healthy humidity levels is to install a whole-home humidifier. This piece of tech connects to your HVAC system and adds water vapor to the airflow, which then spreads throughout your home.

Sometimes the unpleasant weather of winter is enough to put a damper on your spirits without low humidity adding to the mix. Make your home a comfortable and healthy sanctuary by maintaining healthy humidity levels. To have a whole-home humidifier professionally installed, call Brennan’s Heating and Air Conditioning at 703-783-0145.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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