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3 Ways to Improve the IAQ in Your Baby’s Room in Woodbridge, VA

Did you know the air inside many of our homes can be up to five times more polluted than the air outdoors? This has made indoor air quality a major concern for many families. However, if you have a baby, your little one is most at risk of developing asthma or other respiratory problems because their system isn’t fully developed. Infants and children under the age of 2 spend most of the time in their bedrooms. Here are three ways to improve the IAQ in your baby’s room in your Woodbridge, VA, home:

Choose Proper Bedding

The type of bedding in your baby’s crib could expose them to contaminants like pollen and dust. Use a latex foam mattress instead of a fiber-based one to prevent such contaminants from settling. Instead of man-made materials, use blankets made from natural materials like cotton or bamboo that resist dust mites.

Purify the Air in Your Home

Installing a whole-house air purifier or a portable air purifier in your baby’s room can remove most of the contaminants that affect indoor air quality. Models with HEPA filters are most efficient at removing tiny particles from the air.

Keep Humidity Levels in Check

Humid conditions make the air heavier in your home and can make it difficult to breathe. Air that’s high in humidity can also promote the growth of biological contaminants, bacteria and yeast. Installing a dehumidifier in your home can help you control humidity and keep it within the recommended range of 30-50%.

We Have the Answers to Your IAQ Problems

We install and maintain top-of-the-line equipment like air purifiers, humidifiers and dehumidifiers that can improve the IAQ throughout your home. Contact Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule an appointment to discuss how we can help make the air healthier in your Woodbridge, VA, home.

Image provided by iStock

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